questions! : carrying water

wisdom's aspirant athenaaBROOKSDATA.NET
Sat Feb 8 19:16:10 PST 2003

I would still recommend the camelbak style containers. If you don't feel
safe with that Camelbak plastic, try another brand. Gregory containers are
not plastic but some mysterious stuff like mylar.  It is so very easy to
carry and access your water this way.
I live in the desert. Consequently I am a fanatic about water. We see a
minimum of one death a year by dehydration. It is usually a young male. The
last was a man in his 60's who ran out of gas on a back road. Since
perspiration dries so fast here, people do not realize how much water they
are losing.
Since I am such a fanatic I have made it a point to stay out of this part of
the conversation. But don't get caught without water! It's no fun to have
that weak, achy, sick, dehydrated feeling.
And jerky for electrolytes is a fine, lightweight thing.
wisdom's aspirant
child of earth
daughter of time

----- Original Message -----
From: "Lydia Banales" <lydiaaBANALES.NET>
Sent: Saturday, February 08, 2003 4:32 PM
Subject: Re: questions! : carrying water

> In spite of all these admonitions, I thought that I wouldn't really
> perspire that much and I didn't want to have to answer nature's call in
> the middle of nowhere. I was surprised to find myself 'sweating like a
> pig" as they say. You just can't believe how much you perspire in this
> walk. So I learned that when your mouth feels dry, it's too late. We
> carry water in small bottles to distribute the load all over. So drink
> up, my chums! Lydia

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