(To Galen) re Presentations / Writing

Galen Wilkerson galen_wilkersonaYAHOO.COM
Wed Dec 10 12:56:25 PST 2003

Hi Sue and Sally,

Thanks for the information.  Yeah, my yahoo account gets filled with spam
every day, so it's useless.

One thing that helps me a lot is to have one or two people to bounce my
writing off of.  I write a ton and think about it when I'm sending emails
or talking to people and actually telling them things.  When I just sit and
stare at my belly-button, it is not nearly as interesting or enjoyable.  If
I had a few people to send my writing to, it would really help, probably
more than methodology, etc. (although this helps too)  Basically, actually
sending people things and having them actually respond and say "that's
interesting", or "that's not" is probably the best litmus test for me.
Then again, I haven't been a successful/professional writer or presenter
(yet :), but I still suspect that interaction is the most help.

I've also seen some books that look good on amazon's webpage about travel
writing. (By the way, just reading: "Best American Travel Writing" - one is
put out every year, the year I am reading is edited by Bill Bryson, pretty


On Tue, 9 Dec 2003 09:05:13 -0500, Sue Kenney <sue.kenneyaSYMPATICO.CA>

>To Sally, Galen and the other storytellers in the group,
>Here is a link to a great web site for all levels of storytellers. Doug
>offers a monthly newletter, workshops and coaching.
>Happy telling,
>Floral Park, Ontario
>Sally Haden wrote:
>> Hi Galen
>> I am sure there must be other people on this list who can offer support
>> doing presentations.  I don't have any direct experience myself of Camino
>> presentations but I do know that people like, as Sue said, to get close
>> the actual feel/reality of something like your pilgrimage.  It sounds
>> like Sue said, to take your boots, stick, etc., and so to tell them your
>> personal stories... name names...etc!  There's enough artificial stuff
on TV
>> to fill anyone's appetite for academic travel.
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