Tough sections on the knees

Crawley, Jeffrey jeffrey.crawleyaFABERMAUNSELL.COM
Tue Aug 26 07:22:48 PDT 2003

I second that, white spirit is a degreasing agent which also has has a very unpleasant smell (to put you off drinking it I'm told).

Think about blisters and sore feet: a blister is a friction burn just as much as one you'd get sliding down a rope.

How would you prevent a blister? Either by adding a protective layer (similar to wearing gloves as you slide down) or by cooling and adding moisture - ever tried lighting a fire with a wet match?

As soon as you get a hot sensation in your boot you should be investigating the cause: creased sock, tight boot etc and thinking about treatment THEN rather than waiting for the blister to form.  Clean socks, cool the feet in water, massage with baby oil or creams.  I would have thought dry, hard skin was the last thing you needed.

Personally, I found the descent into Roncesvalles harder than the climb because it was steeper, similarly the descent from Perdon after Pamplona but once I'd walked 3/4 of the way and got tendonitis in the left shin ANY descent was painful.  Voltaren Emugel (might not be the correct spelling but the pharmacist will understand) helped as did zig-zagging down slopes - you may walk further but it's less painful!

7 days to go and the bag has been packed and unpacked several times, have now purged the mind of any concerns and apprehensiveness and now can't wait for the off.

Does anybody know how the summer heat has been effecting the fuentes along the way?  Any rationing or water shortages been heard of?



-----Original Message-----
From: Road to Santiago Pilgrimage [mailto:GOCAMINOaPETE.URI.EDU]On
Behalf Of Ed
Sent: 25 August 2003 10:45
Subject: Re: Tough sections on the knees

White spirits is an industrial cleaning fluid.  At home you can use it for
cleaning paint brushes.

I definitely wouldn't wash my feet in it!

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