Tough sections on the knees

Ana Young ayoung2001aYAHOO.COM
Mon Aug 25 07:24:16 PDT 2003

He has
> read descriptions of
> the various Camino sectors and notes that the walk
> between Rouncevalles
> and Zubri contains a downhill section  where the
> path is described as
> being of loose rock. Downhills are notoriously bad
> on knees and unstable
> surfaces compound the problem.

Hi Dave,

Some of it is indeed downhill towards Zubiri
especially. My knees are not the greatest. Make sure
he has a stick (at least one, two would probably be
better) and go very slowly on this stretch. If his leg
muscles are ok then it should not be a problem. In the
end, after my big downhill from Somport on the
Aragones, it was my upper leg muscles that bothered me
a couple of days afterwards and not my knees so much.

Good luck!

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