Other Tombs of St. James

Crawley, Jeffrey jeffrey.crawleyaFABERMAUNSELL.COM
Tue Aug 12 02:45:21 PDT 2003

Hi Sally,

It reminds me of the joke about the American tourist in Ireland who is offered the skull of St Patrick, when he complains that not only had he been offered the skull of St Patrick the previous week in another town but also that THAT skull had been much bigger to which the response was that, of course, THIS was St Patrick's skull when he had been much younger.

Personally, I'm sure there were so many knaves and varlets (lovely word that) around in the middle ages the provenance of any relic requires caution - I remember reading of a complete monastery being closed down once it was found they had a production line of relics. Best just to believe without proof perhaps?

Regretfully I never got to see the last two Naked Pilgrim programmes. I live near to the coast in eastern England and the power of the Channel 5 signal is reduced thereabouts to prevent interference with European station.  Reception varies with atmospheric conditions and the spell of unusual weather (ie good!) meant I recorded TV snowstorms :o(

A friend in London tells me the fireworks were spectacular and our host burnt his clothes on the beach at Fisterra and walked naked into the sea - he's still writing his newspaper column so presumably he came back, cleansed of all Sin.


Maybe Brian Sewell had a point when he said that the modern art gallery is
the new cathedral.

Talking of which, I haven't seen many comments on his programme, which I
recorded and have just watched all five episodes right through.  Any

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