Howard asks a question or two

Jeffrey Crawley jeffrey.crawleyaFABERMAUNSELL.COM
Tue Apr 8 06:12:53 PDT 2003

Howard Mendes writes:

American students sporting a popular tee-shirt with the slogan F**K BUSH -
STOP THE WAR! are, however, being tread much more warmly.

Questions: 1. How many American students were seen wearing this?  Any
pictures as evidence? 2. How popular are these shirts?  Popular with whom?
 How warmly are they being treated?  More warmly than what or who?
Please spare us your future nonsense on Listserve until you answer these
Howard Mendes, NYC  (not cowardly about signing my name)

Dammit Howard! Thought I'd filtered you off my system!

1 I'm told "over 12 seen worn by students with American accents, in groups
of 2 or 3 at a time, Spanish students also sporting them", sorry unable to
provide pictures as my correspondent in Granada doesn't have a digital

2 Apparently popular enough to raise cheers of support in bars and cafes
from both young and old

3 Am reliably told that wearers being greeted with cheers and offered drinks
in bars, being treated more warmly than Americans not protesting about the
war who are getting cold shouldered

Don't blame me, Howard, they are your fellow countrymen, I'm just a Limey
with a nephew fighting with the Para's in Bashra who thought you'd like to
know what goes on outside of New York State.

Obviously not.

Jeffrey Crawley,

not cowardly about signing my name either (or about letting anybody else
read my emails on the subject)

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