the medical coverage issue - again!

Karen Mallory kmallaMB.SYMPATICO.CA
Wed Mar 27 11:19:39 PST 2002

Further to the health insurance discussion:  this afternoon I got some
information from the Tourist Office of Spain in Canada.  According to
them, only members of the EU get free medical assistance under the
Spanish Health Service and they suggest buying travel insurance.  It
seems to me that would be better to be double covered before you break
your leg than to discover afterwards that you are out of luck. (While
fighting, of course, the feeling you get if you buy insurance and DON'T
hurt yourself;  you  know, the old sand down the rat hole feeling.).
Anyway, I'll buy some to be on the safe side.

You will have to forgive all the double letters - this is input from my
computer which insists on adding it's own bit to every discussion.  It
doesn't happen on any otheer computer I use.  (Honest!  It's the
computers fault!)

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