National Geographic and the road to Santiago

Jennifer Holleman jhollemanaGTS.GATXCAP.COM
Wed Mar 27 09:18:18 PST 2002

if you go to the below link you can preform a search. i have found at least
one article relating to the Camino.


                    "E. O.
                    Pederson"            To:     GOCAMINOaPETE.URI.EDU
                    <eldorpaHOTMAI       cc:
                    L.COM>               Subject:     Re: National Geographic and the road
                    Sent by: Road         to Santiago
                    to Santiago

                    03/27/02 11:44
                    Please respond
                    to Road to

I am not a regular reader of the National Geographic, but my sister sent me
a copy of an issue from late 1998 or early 1999 (I have since discarded it)
with an article on northern Spain including some discussion of the Camino.
In addition, a folded map was included with the issue, and on one side of
the map was an inset showing the route of the Camino along with some
information about the route.  Most public libraries subscribe to the
National Geographic and are likely to have the relevant issue in their
collections, so a call to your local public library is likely to find the
issue (and perhaps also the folded map) for you.  Those libraries usually
have a database on popular periodicals called INFOTRACK with reasonably
good search facilities accessible to the public.  You might also try
contacting  the National Geographic directly (I believe their website is but I cannot find a r! eference to it in my files).

E. O. Pederson
Seattle, WA

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