More Information about the origin of the name San Diego, CA (USA)

bill deutschman olcbillaFIRESERVE.NET
Mon Mar 18 15:59:51 PST 2002


This web page lists the date of his canonization and some of his deeds.  It
doesn't specifically say why he became a saint but implies that it was for
helping his fellow Franciscans during an epidemic.

On another topic.  Everyone keeps saying that "you can follow the milkyway"
down the Camino.  Do you know anyone who had done a definitive study to show
that this is true?

The reason I ask is that I was a professional astronomer before I retired.  The
milkyway (galactic plane) moves and changes direction during the night relative
to any fixed place on the surface of the earth just as the stars and planets
do.  In addition it has seasonal variations.  My intuition says that the two
coincide on very few, if any times as the milkyway runs more of less north to
south and the Camino more or less east to west.

I keep saying that I'm going to do some computer plots of the view of the
milkyway from various times and places on the Camino to "prove or dis-prove"
the statement but not if someone has already done it.  Is there any Journal
that accepts papers on the Camino?

Thanks for any information on the subject.


bill deutschman
455 hillside avenue
klamath falls, or 97601

-----Original Message-----
From:   davidson [SMTP:davidsonaETAL.URI.EDU]
Sent:   Monday, March 18, 2002 3:30 PM
Subject:        Re: More Information about the origin of the name San Diego, CA (USA)

Bill: Thanks for getting the info about San Diego and its name sake San
Didacus de Alcala. Now, we'll try to figure out what miracles he may have
performed and when to have garnered him the title of saint.

linda d

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