trail markers

Kathryn Finn Kathryn.FinnaWWU.EDU
Tue Jan 22 14:03:56 PST 2002

I also like the advice of someone else who said, and I paraphrase:  "it's
not the end of the world if you don't get a bed in a refugio for a night"

I think it's good advice.   While I certainly do appreciate the beauty  and
luxury of a warm bed, good food,  etc., all in all we (meaning we who are
from countries who have so much material wealth) don't need to worry so much
about our creature comforts.

-----Original Message-----
From: lmorris [mailto:kesatotaSHAW.CA]
Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2002 8:31 AM
Subject: Re: trail markers

        My plan is when I walk the Camino this May is to throw a few things
together, find a flight to Spain some how find my way to St Jean and
then start walking west with no detailed map, only that I know that I'm
going to Santiago.  I plan to let the Camino show me the way. This will
be the journey, I will not have to worry about making it this far to day
or be there today, I'm going to let it happen.  I feel that much
preparation will only lead to frustrations and let downs, that has been
my experience. I don't know Spanish but I'm sure that much advice will
be given to me when I need to know.
        following the yellow sunbursts will be my map. If I get lost, what A
story it will tell.
        I love the advice of the Medicine Woman, "This is truly the best
500 miles, I have ever seen!"


Lisa Forman wrote:
> Medicine Woman-
>   Have no fear about the markings of the trail.  There are numerous yellow
> sunbursts or yellow arrows on rocks, dirt, cement markers, trees, quite
> ubiquitous actually.
> And, there are usually at least one or two others ahead of you to follow.
> In some parts there are white blazes on trees denoting a European trail
> the Camino is part of, these can be followed as well if you do not see the
> yellow arrows.  Even rock cairns are constructed on some parts with a bit
> yellow paint on them.
> This is truly the best marked 500 miles, I have ever seen!
> LF

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