Sv: Re: Dogs

fkjaer fkjaeraPOST7.TELE.DK
Wed Jan 16 10:59:13 PST 2002

>In a recent book by a Norwegian photographer, he
tells about a nasty bite that his traveling companion got when a dog (a setter,
I believe) dashed out from behind a hedge and got him in the leg. They had to
walk several miles before they got to a physician, who took several stitches to
patch it up. Incidentally, the book has excellent photographs. I am sorry that I
have neither the name of the book not the author at hand at this moment, but I
called the friend that lent it to me a couple of years ago and he said that he
will let me know when he finds it. (Yes, I did return it.)<

Hi, Robert,

You are no doubt refering to Knud Helge Robberstad's very fine book:
"The Road to Santiago"
Hardcover - 160 pages (June 1998)
ISBN: 8299414911


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