
Russ Irwin rirwinaUSAOR.NET
Sat Jan 12 00:32:53 PST 2002

On Fri, 11 Jan 2002 13:25:29 +1000, anthony.dysonaWANEWS.COM.AU wrote:

>The one thing that emerges very clearly from Shirley Mac's book is that
>she is in serious need of professional psychiatric help.
>She was a marvellous dancer and perhaps should have stuck to that trade.

Then I must  be in need of that professional psychiatric help too, for I believe in much of what she
does. It was an article by her in a magazine that I subscribe to that led me to the Camino in the
first place. It so excited me that, halfway through it, I set the magazine down and drove to the
nearest bookstore to buy her book. The rest is, as they say, history. I just couldn't get enough
about the Camino after that.

God works in mysterious ways!  And if I may say, never put another person down - Never- for any


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