Money advice

Watson, John watsonjaTRINITY.VIC.EDU.AU
Wed Feb 27 20:03:10 PST 2002

Use belts and braces, Marcia. That is, always have a backup. Take some cash,
travellers' cheques (note the spelling! I'm an Aussie), a debit card such as
Maestro, and a credit card - Visa or MasterCard. Keep them separately, and
always on your person. The person who plans best is in least trouble.

-----Original Message-----
From: Marcia Whitney-Schenck [mailto:CHRNARTSaAOL.COM]
Sent: Thursday, 28 February 2002 2:20 AM
Subject: Money advice

I'm preparing to do the pilgrimage in June. This is a basic question -- but
how much money should I take for the pilgrimage? Are there ATM machines?
Should one bring travelers' checks? A money belt? Thanks for your
suggestions. Marcia Whitney-Schenck, Chicago

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