Internet on the Camino

Felipe Sanchez felipsanaOLYPEN.COM
Sat Feb 23 11:24:52 PST 2002

Esteemed Mr. Harmer:

With great pleasure I share one of my filed "tidbits" from Gocamino.  I hope this helps.  But I must proffer some caveats.  I stopped about eight (8) times in large towns and cities during my forty (40) days of trekking and many of the internet cafes were replete with young men and boys playing video games.  The din was indescribable and the vocabulary interdict for this newsgroup.  Several were bars also and I remember that two were ancient, coin-fed machines with exotic, unfamiliar controls.  But I managed to send eight (8) articles back here to the Gazette so I anticipate you will have as much or more success with friends and the like.  One unpleasant incident occurred in a large city whose name escapes me.  I wrote for two hours and then tried to transmit to the addresses I had inscribed.  No joy!  The attendant attempted the same with success.  Then she tried to copy the article and was unable.  Reluctantly I had to delete what to this day I am sure was "deathless prose."  Ha!  My observation is that before investing a large chunk of time you try to transmit something simple.  Buena Suerte!  Here is the URL.  I am not sure if it is current so use it as a guide not a God.    
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