I will stick to walking.

Dale Marie mrsmarieaBLUEWIN.CH
Thu Feb 14 10:47:10 PST 2002

on 14/2/02 3:20 pm, Leonie Galil at LgalilaAOL.COM wrote:

I have always had a problem with penance per se and so made up my mind that
instead I would try to be helpful to my fellow man/woman without expecting a
reward all the while trying to improve or correct what penance is supposed
to achieve (no easy task either).
Any other thoughts on this subject?

Some interesting thoughts Leonie.   Penance holds such negative connotations
- isn't it better to pursue the positive?  I agree wholeheartedly that
giving without expectation of reward is a far better way to channel your
energy.  Think how many people could benefit from even just one act of
unconditional giving.  And how many people benefit from someone doing
penance?  Maybe one .... if you're lucky.

The world is full enough of negativity.  If each of us could just see our
way to even one act of giving without thought of getting something in return
each day - no matter how small the act - it would go along way to improving
the state of our world which is so full of sadness and fear at the moment.
We are not helpless.  Call me naive, but I really believe the changes have
to start with the individual and I just can't see how penance is going to
help anybody.

Dale M.
aka   Pollyanna
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