Poetry in Motion

Rolf Krake rolfkrakeaHOTMAIL.COM
Tue Feb 12 05:53:07 PST 2002

Reflecting the mirror of the soul in the mirror of the world

I. The Alchemy
The Druids come out of the trees
when the funny fairies of Findhorn
find shore on the Isle of Iona
- We are the grains of sand on the beach!

II. The Windmill
The Giant of Camino stands monumental
spreading wings in transfiguration
when the sun flowers arise in blossom
- We are the grains of seed in the millstone!

III. The Wishing Star
The Mirror is a passage into the Garden
when Narcissus reflects Echo of the soul
in the Silence of the waters
- We are the grains of stars in the sky!

V. Socrates
You become Yourself by knowing yourself
when the prism of light within
shines through every facet of the diamond
- We are the grains of truth in reflection!

Shine on, you Star of love and beauty!
Let there be light!

Rolf Krake

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