Was Howard's Loss - "Universal Law of Recompense".

Craig Walker WA6RPRaAOL.COM
Wed Nov 21 19:06:37 PST 2001

Dear Howard--

I don't have a text to send you.  I just remember in seminary spending an
afternoon talking about it.  I think we termed it the "immutable law of
recompense" and basically what we were talking about, is that when someone
takes advantage of you, you don't have to worry about getting even, for
Divine Justice will eventually be meted out to the person who has cheated
you.  The world speaks of it as "what goes around, comes around"  or
"getting just deserts"  etc.  I have heardthat a similar teaching is found in

Even Jesus warned that when you do good, some people will do evil to you.
That is what I liked about the Star Wars movies:  the universal battle of
good against evil.  We pilgrims shall someday pause on the upward path, lean
on our staff, and view the culmination of this great battle at the end times.
 Good shall triumph, evil shall be defeated and the Reign of God shall be
ushered in.

Meanwhile, we are to continue on our earthly path.  Those who have the
calling are to walk the Camino, much like the knights, and by so doing engage
in the great galactic battle of good against evil.



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