Letter of Introduction - a word of warning

Christopher Hewitt chewitt_friendsusaaHOTMAIL.COM
Tue Nov 6 09:55:46 PST 2001

To Robert, and to all,

There are no need for apologies. We are all working to a common goal, while the road is just a bit different. One of the most trying things for me has always been remembering that my needs are not the needs of others, and vice-versa. It is easy at times, and difficult at others (especially when you see a bike-touring group with a support van every day for over a week riding the same distance you walk. Or listen to stories and see the reality of pilgrims that go ahead in their cars and park outside of towns and take such "valuable" bed space).  

But one of the guys riding in that tour group was barely peddling as fast as I walk, and he was obviously 75 lbs (or more) over weight. So I applauded his efforts knowing he too was undergoing his own inner struggles (physical and spiritual: often linked).  
As for the "cheaters". I'm a teacher, cheating is always present. Sometimes you understand why they cheat, and you wish they wouldn't. I'm a little demanding of my students, and the averages of my students grades are a little lower than others. But I have some kids that get over a 100%. So I know it is possible, and know that those that do well have really earned their grade. Too bad their is so much emphasis placed on the percentage over what it really means. The student that gets a 70% is no less liked than the student that gets a 104% (I believe in extra credit for those willing to go a little further).

I speak a lot in the first person. Why not, I am proud of many things I ave done, and not proud of others. But they are my experiences, and I love to share them as an example of the many possibilitities that await us. And as many others, I try to forget the painful times or use them as lessons on what not to do. But then, some of those failures have led to my most meaningful adventures. Making my very advise being worthy of no more than the anecdote that it was meant to be.  

Wisdom begins with knowing yourself.  

And even as we seek advise from others, we know that we really just want reassurance that what we are doing is okay. And it is. Granted, there are some very helpful little tidbits we can teach each other, that once experienced, tend to make all the sense in the world. But trepidition walks ahead of us, unless of course we fly the wings of capriciousness, which tends to leave us standing in the middle of uncertain circumstances when trepidition catches up.

En fin, I have just babbled on a bit. You'll excuse me, I enjoy the stimulation of thought.  

While knowledge exists, and millions of experiences have been shared thoughout the annals of time, we are each born without that knowledge, and it takes a lifetime to acquire it (not all of which is verdical nor desirable). It has always been a pleasure to learn of everyone else's experiences before and after the pilgrimage. It helps give perspective to my own life and experiences. And I thank you all for sharing.  

Peace and smiles
----- Original Message -----
From: Robert E. Spenger
Sent: Monday, November 05, 2001 12:27 PM
To: GOCAMINOapete.uri.edu
Subject: Re: Letter of Introduction - a word of warning

"Robert E. Spenger" wrote:

> But those who plan to start from the interior of
> France or to take an alternative route should be aware of this. I mentioned this
> in an e-mail to Christopher but have not yet received a reply.

I owe Christopher an apology for my impatience. His reply was sent about the same
time as I was whining about not getting one. I made my point but I regret, that I
was not more civil in the way that I did it.

Organizing and maintaining groups like this takes a lot of work and dedication and
I, for one, should think more about this before dashing off an e-mail complaint.

Christopher - Please accept my apology.


RobertGet more from the Web.  FREE MSN Explorer download : http://explorer.msn.com
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