
Elyn Aviva TajminaaAOL.COM
Wed May 16 06:00:57 PDT 2001

Actually, there is a B&B half-way up the hillside. They should know of it in 
St Jean; if not,  it's been mentioned on the list,. I don't know if this is 
the right address, but I found it in an email: Gite d'Etape. M. Etchegoin. 9, 
Route de Bayonneá Uhart Cize.

(Tel: 05. 59. 37. 12. 08). They have 12 beds. Open all year.

The refugio might know more: Acceuil Saint Jacques 39 rue de la Citadelle 
Ouvert 15/5 30/9 Tel: Refuge Vieille Navarre, 55 rue de La Citadelle Mme. Janine

Curutchet 25fr. Tel: Toute L'année.

Hope some of that helps!
Buen Camino,

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