Terrorism in Spain?

Watson, John watsonjaTRINITY.VIC.EDU.AU
Tue Jul 31 15:13:22 PDT 2001

1. As a US citizen you would be more likely to be targeted in many countries
of the world, though there has been NO evidence of this regarding ETA.
Whatever, carry nothing which would identify you as from the US. I would
even go so far as to carry an Australian or Canadian badge.
2. My daughter was in Israel four years ago when the bridge leading to the
Maccabee Games collapsed. She visited a market which was destroyed by a bomb
the next day. Neither of these caused me concern. I believe that as
Christians we are called to go forth into the world with confidence and
strength born of our faith in the Living Lord. Whether we live or die, we
are in the protection of our Lord and Saviour.
Go for it and live a triumphant life.
All the best

-----Original Message-----
From: E. O. Pederson [mailto:eldorpaHOTMAIL.COM]
Sent: Wednesday, 1 August 2001 2:21 AM
To: GOCAMINOapete.uri.edu
Subject: Terrorism in Spain?

I am hesitant to post this given the paranoia about terrorism in the US
(where the chances of being killed in a criminal or accidental shooting  are
thousands of times greater than the chance of being targeted by a terrorist
abroad), but there is an interesting piece in http://www.slate.msn.com
<http://www.slate.msn.com>  "The Bombs in Spain Fall Mainly on the Tourists"
by June Thomas.  The piece is a digest of recent articles in the London
Times, the Observer and El Pais about ETA bombs, especially an apparent ETA
goal of targeting tourist areas after the electoral defeat of the separatist
party Euskal Herritarrok in recent regional elections.  Given that one walks
through the Basque country for many days enroute to Santiago, and a few of
the places on the camino (notably Santiago itself) are major tourist
attractions, the issue of ETA terrorism is not completely irrelevant.  !

The London Times "counseled British travellers to 'support the Madrid
government by ignoring ETA's threats.'"  As an unanticipated opportunity to
again walk all or part of the camino has just come up, I am not letting this
information have any impact on my plans to walk from Somport ( probably
starting in Pau) to Santiago, or as far as I can get in the somewhat limited
time available, this autumn.

Eldor Pederson
Seattle, WA


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