Potential Pilgrim

Ben Olas hankerfercheeseaHOTMAIL.COM
Thu Jul 5 18:42:54 PDT 2001

Hello, my name is Ben.  I first became interested in El Camino after reading
my favorite authors (Paulo Coelho) book "The Pilgrimage".  About 4 years
after that I quasi bumped in to Shirley McClain’s book "El Camino", which
rekindled my interest.  My reasons for doing the trek are definitely
spiritual.  My religious up bringing was Presbyterian, but I was raised in a
small town in Utah (well, not so small anymore) where I was one of only a
handful of people who were not LDS (Mormon).  I became very disgruntled with
organized religion, and now am without, but I feel that for my life, a
spiritual pursuit is the most fulfilling.  Also, I have always been
interested in spending time in Europe, but wanted to have more of a reason
than just back packing around, seeing the sights.   My trip plans have moved
back to leaving the end of September, probably the 24th, and then spending
about 5 weeks.  Still debating on wiether to fly into Barcelona or Paris.
Recently, in an attempt to discourage me more or less, my family has brought
me reports of problems in France related to the influx of either Algerians
or Albanians that were brought in during the crisis in Cosovo.  Friends have
reported an increase of violence and theft.  I have also heard of problems
in Basque related areas as well.  Can anyone give me a heads up as to
wiether any of these accusations are correct?  Also, months ago I had
subscribed to GOCAMINO and someone had posted a link to a site where a
gentleman who I believe was a photography teacher had documented his entire
journey.  Would anyone have that link as well?  And last, does a late
September early October trip sound to be a good idea weather condition wise?
Thanks to any and all for a response in advance!


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