Distance Chart

christopher hewitt chew6087aHOTMAIL.COM
Wed Jan 17 11:15:00 PST 2001

Hello again,

Thanks to those that have replied to my previous solicitation for websites
and descriptions of said sites.

I am doing what I can to update the Friends website during the next two
weeks, so  please feel free to send me comments and useful input.
I have changed the font color where necessary because it seems that the
background does not appear for everyone. I hope this makes it more legible
for everyone.

I would appreciate comments about website links we already offer(do they
work for you) and ones we don't.

I would also appreciate comments about existing bibliography. For example,
if you have a newer copy of a guide book that offers more information, or
less, than an older one, please let me know, and give specifics. Even
include weight and whether or now you would suggest taking it with you on
the pilgrimage or read it beforehand and take photocopies of specific

The FAQ questionaire is coming soon.

As members of Friends, and as pilgrims, I think we would all like to take
pride in providing the most complete informational website possible. And to
do so, I think this requires the same communal spirit that we have seen here
in this listserv and in John D's listserv previously.

Thanks again

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