
JA Brilleman janernaaHETNET.NL
Mon Jan 8 14:57:08 PST 2001

to the members Gocamino listserv

I am Jan Brilleman, born may 1949 at Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
In 1991 I got a book from my daughter about the Pelgrimage to Santiago de Compostela and
from that time I was interested, but had no possibility to do it myselve.

In 1993 we, my wife Erna and I, started trekking monthly, with our neighbours Heinz and Janneke,
following one of the many foothpaths in Holland. One of these foothpaths is called "Pelgrimspad",
foothpath for pilgrimes, and is associated with the Pilgrimage to St. James from the Netherlands.
This path starts in Amsterdam and ends at the border with Belgium in the south. In 1998 the four 
of us came there and then we decided to go to Santiago de Compostela together.

I got permission of a sabbatical-time of four months from my colleages in business. So, monday 22nd
of march 1999, the birthday of Erna, we started to walk at the border with Belgium and
we walked through Belgium, France and the Camino in Spain to Santiago de Compostela. Our arrival
was the 6th of july 1999.

I made a dairy of our journey, which was the time of our lives, and after I bought a computer I wrote it out
and my brother-in-law put it on the internet. If you can read Dutch or if you want to see a part
of our pictures, you can find it on:

The subject 'Pilgrimage to Santiago' is, more or less, becoming rather popular in Holland: for the last
three months I got more than 4000 hits monthly to my site and mails of people interested for our journey
with questions and compliments.
At the end of this january we, the four of us, are in a program on Dutch television in an item about pilgrimage!

I am interested in Gocamino Listserv because after our Pilgrimage this journey has never been out
of my mind, I collect everything about the subject, I want to know everything about the subject, I want
to help everyone who has plans to go to Santiago de Compostela.

This is very shortly the story of Erna and Jan Brilleman and of course, Heinz and Janneke, our neighbours.

If you have comments or questions send them to us, we will answer as soon as possible.


Jan Brilleman

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