My interest in the history of the camino

Howard Murphy HmcellardykeaAOL.COM
Sun Dec 9 03:25:05 PST 2001

In a message dated 08/12/01 01:05:49 GMT Standard Time, barryevans9aYAHOO.COM

> I guess I don't want to post more specifics about what I've found out (I've
>  been in touch with a friend, medieval historian at a NY university) until I
>  feel it won't attract the sort of divisive stuff we've been seeing here.
>  Thank you for your interest! Again, much appreciate the information.
>  Best wishes, barryevans

Dear Barry,
Please do not worry about the few.
We are all interested in the day to day events of the Camino, the history,
folk tales
whatever information you have so please do share what you can.
Every Blessing,

Howard Murphy
81 George Street
Cellardyke Harbour
Anstruther. Fife. KY10 3AS
Scotland. UK

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