[Cfp-interest 2413] +0.

Fred J. Tydeman tydeman at tybor.com
Wed Mar 30 08:31:35 PDT 2022

In looking at C23 in Annex F:
There are lots of "+0." and many "1." as return values.
In addition, there are many "+/-0" arguments.
So, using integer 0 and 1 in floating-point context is
the normal case in C23; so the '.' after them is the
end of a sentence.

Fred J. Tydeman        Tydeman Consulting
tydeman at tybor.com      Testing, numerics, programming
+1 (702) 608-6093      Vice-chair of PL22.11 (ANSI "C")
Sample C99+FPCE tests: http://www.tybor.com
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