[Cfp-interest 2524] Re: Fwd: Editorial review

Damian McGuckin damianm at esi.com.au
Fri Aug 12 06:03:00 PDT 2022



 	... supports imaginary types, AND if defined, they expand

 	Missing the word AND


 	append "to do so" to the first sentence. English sentences do
 	not end with the word "to".


 	... one side of a cut from another so THAT the

 	Missing the word THAT

 	... shall map a cut so THAT the function

 	Missing the word THAT

 	Style Question: Is repetition of 'for' good English?

 	The sentence

 		For example, IN the square root

 	would read better

 		For example, IN the square root

 	... from above, so THAT the cut maps ...

 	Missing the word THAT

7.3.5 and beyond

 	In the Returns section,

 	Some subsections say

 		return the XYZ value

 	while others, e.g. carg, cproj,  say

 		return the value of (the) XYZ

 	Should we be totally consistent?



 	There is inconsistent use of

 		"natural (base-e) logarithm"

 	as some times there appears just

 		"(base-e) logarithm"

 	and other times just

 		"natural logarithm"

#2	Replace

 		(also called phase angle)

 		(also called phase (which is an angle))

 	The NIST uses the word 'phase (i.e. without the word angle).
 	Whether the rest of the world wants to accept a US standards
 	body is another thing but I am an Aussie and I am happy with it.

#2	Style Question: Does one "reverse the sign' or "negate the sign"

#2	Replace colon ":' by "where"

Stay safe - Damian

Pacific Engineering Systems International, 277-279 Broadway, Glebe NSW 2037
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