[Cfp-interest 1910] Another test - ignore

Fred J. Tydeman tydeman at tybor.com
Fri Jan 29 00:58:49 PST 2021

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  <title>N2641: Missing +(x) in table</title>

  <!-- Who are the authors... -->
   <b>Submitter:</b>CFP group<br>
  <!-- What is the date of submission. yyyy-mm-dd -->
   <b>Submission Date:</b> 2021-01-24<br>
  <b>Document:</b> WG14 N2641<br>
  <b>Title:</b> N2641: Missing +(x) in table<br>
  <b>Reference Documents:</b> N2596</p>

  <p>Summary: +(x) is similar to -(x) for certain properties, so
  should be added to a table. This should be considered an editoral

  <p>The binding table in Annex F.3 identifies unary + as a 754
  copy operation which preserves the representation, and hence the
  quantum exponent, of the operand. Therefore, +(x) should be added
  to the line with -(x) in the preferred quantum exponents

  <p>In the Preferred quantum exponents table in paragraph 10 of, change</p>


    -(x)<ins>, +(x)</ins>

Fred J. Tydeman        Tydeman Consulting
tydeman at tybor.com      Testing, numerics, programming
+1 (702) 608-6093      Vice-chair of PL22.11 (ANSI "C")
Sample C99+FPCE tests: http://www.tybor.com
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