[Cfp-interest 1932] Re: Fix the inaccuracy of j0f/y0f/j1f/y1f

Paul Zimmermann Paul.Zimmermann at inria.fr
Thu Feb 25 01:13:05 PST 2021

       Dear Joseph,

> If you look at the current C2x draft N2596, paragraph 8 says 
> that the accuracy of the library functions is implementation-defined.  

indeed it is written:


   The accuracy of the floating-point operations (+,-,*,/) and of the library functions in <math.h> and <complex.h> that return floating-point results is implementation-defined,  [...]

I know that the complex operations are not correctly rounded with say gcc,
but would it be possible that real addition is not correctly rounded? That
would contradict IEEE 754, no?

Best regards,

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