[Cfp-interest 1928] action item: suggest wording for hypot

David Hough CFP pcfp at oakapple.net
Thu Feb 18 18:07:33 PST 2021

Draft C23 F.10.4.4 says
--- hypot(x, y), hypot(y, x), and hypot(x, -y) are equivalent.
--- hypot(x, +-0) is equivalent to fabs(x).
--- hypot(+-inf, y) returns +inf, even if y is a NaN.


Change the middle bullet to:

--- hypot(x, +-0) returns the absolute value of x, when x is not a NaN

Note that "when x is not a NaN" is equivalent to "when x is a number".

But "when x is not a NaN" shows up twice in n2596, in F.10.10.1 for fma,
and F.10.13.1 getpayload.

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