[Cfp-interest] WG14 IEEE 754-C binding meeting minutes 2016/10/25

Rajan Bhakta rbhakta at us.ibm.com
Tue Oct 25 10:10:03 PDT 2016

  Attendees: Rajan, Jim, Mike, David H, Ian

  New agenda items:

  Last meeting action items:
    Jim: Check one of the files from the EDG backup for testing the off 
site backup. - Not done.
    General: Need to look through our docs to see what is in C but not in 
IEEE 754. - Done.
      Mike and Jim looked at the quantum operation which will be proposed 
in the next IEEE 754 meeting.
      Not proposing llquantexp function (since the exponent can be gotten 
with logb).
    All: Look through WG14 proposals and let Rajan and Jim know if there 
is anything that we need to bring up. - Done.
    Jim: DDR9: Update type style. - Done.
    Jim: DDR9: Update examples as per Fred's note. - Done.

  New action items:
    Jim: DR Set 3: Change positive-signed to non-negative.

  Next Meeting:
    Thursday December 1st, 2016, 12:00 EDT, 9:00 PST
    Same teleconference number.

    IEEE 754 revision:
      Adopted twoSum (augmentedSum/augmentedProduct are the actual names).
        Possibility to propose this to C if people want to.
        Due to hardware interest.
      quantum and arcpi due to C standard.

    C++ liaison:
      Didn't get to it.
      Likely going to be a much larger project.

    WG14 meeting (Rajan's email):
      Everything went very well. All DR's accepted and changes proposed 
were accepted.
      Proposals for C2X were unanimously endorsed to be a part of C2X.
      C17 - Technical Corrigenda will be the next focus. Then C2X after 
      Array Section reduction functions may impact us. Will need to see 
the paper when it comes out.
      TC for the TS's were not started/discussed, but there should not be 
too much issue (with respect to the time limits or format of the TC).
      The drafts posted on our web page have some of the DR changes 
integrated into them already (which is different from what was published 

    What should be proposed for the C standard:
      Jim: Adding the math functions in part 4 and the pragma's in part 5 
(other than try/catch) may be easy for WG14 to accept.
      Can wait until we see parts 1 and 2 in the draft before proposing 
other parts/features.
      Jim: Types is probably the most complex one to add due to the 
changes throughout the standard. We can possibly have the C standard add a 
reference to the TS part 3.

      C11 DR501: Will need to clarify.
      CFP DR9: The example can be discussed in the April meeting (N2094), 
but don't need to do anything specific/special now.
      DR Set 3: DDR1 (
        Can we use non-negative?
          Sounds better and fits existing wording. Will also address the 
issue before the STC.
          *Jim: DR Set 3: Change positive-signed to non-negative.
        Note that this is a substantive change (not trivial, can break 


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