[Cfp-interest] WG14 IEEE 754-C binding meeting minutes 2015/09/15

Rajan Bhakta rbhakta at us.ibm.com
Tue Sep 15 11:02:11 PDT 2015

Attendees: Rajan, Jim, David, Fred, Marius, Mike*, Ian*
  *First hour only

New agenda items:

Last meeting action items:
    Ian: Talk to Michael Wong and Lowell regarding proposing this 
IEEE-754: 2008 binding to C++ as well - Done
      Michael suggested talking with Lawrence Crawl (Numerics extension 
group in C++)
      Question from them: Should _Float64 be the same as double in the 
typedef sense? We explicitly made it separate types. Has implications in 
name mangling and exception handling.
    David: Part 5: Provide a mechanism (a new #pragma?) to allow 
implementations to possibly not propagate constant modes (rounding, 
exceptions) - Email sent out (May 20th, 2015) – Keep open - Drop the item
    All: Review 7.6.1f.2 (in part 5, Aug 28) and report by email - Done 
(discuss below)
    Jim: Change P 14#5 to say something like “for the listed exceptions” - 
    Jim: Write up change to disallow exceptions from appearing in more 
than one catch or delayed-catch list - Done
    Jim: Try putting the input/results for the examples in a table - Done
    Jim: Improve wording in last NOTE – change “delayed-catch” to 
“delayed-try and delayedcatch” – clarify that last statement applies to 
try-catch – change “should” to something like “might well be able to” - 
    Jim: Write up specification from email proposal about evaluation 
methods and math functions and include it in the draft - Done

New action items:
    Ian: Talk to Lawrence Crawl regarding proposing this IEEE-754: 2008 
binding to C++ as well - Still to do
    David: Send out an email address to sign yourself up to the IEEE 754 
mailing list to this group.
    Ian: Update and check the items listed and flagged under 
    Jim: Send Mike an email regarding what is needed regarding prior 
art/implementation for Part 1 features in other languages
    Jim: p5: Give example of what the macro would do and what would happen 
without it.
    Jim: p12: See if we can add a footnote regarding the implementation 
defined/unspecified/undefined behavior referring to Annex J and/or an 
example from one of the bullets ommitted.
    Jim: p8: Make subnormal zero case be something that should keep the 
same sign
    Jim: p15: line 31: ilogb -> ilogb and llogb
    Jim: p15: line 32: FE_INVALID_LOGB -> FE_INVALID_ILOGB
    Jim: p16: line 10: Remove 'and round result to narrower type'.
    Jim: p9: FENV_ALLOW_CONTRACT_FMA: Send a note to convey this should 
not apply to any implementation/system operations, and only to user code 
that is directly what is listed in lines 11-14.

Next Meeting:
    October 13th, 2015, 12:00 EST, 9:00 PDT
    Same teleconference number.
    WG14 mailing deadline is September 28th.

    Part 3: Target publication date: October 1st, 2015.

    Part 4: No target publication date yet.

    IEEE 754 group (new revision to the standard):
      David still needs to schedule the first meeting.
      Can subscribe yourself.
      *David: Send out an email address to sign yourself up to the IEEE 
754 mailing list to this group.

    ARITH23 (conference next summer):
      Marius: IBM, AMD, Intel presented new things in hardware last time. 
This TS could be discussed there.
      Conference moving to every year instead of every other year. Does 
not have to be latest in research, but can be interesting things like 
state of the art hardware, etc.
      The presentation could be the TS followed by the implementations by 
the vendors (Ex. IBM, Intel, GCC) and IEEE-754:2008 overview, etc.
      David: Generally these panels want a diversity in points of view. 
Not interested in getting input for the 2018 version of the IEEE-754 
standard, but would be for 2028.
      Marius: Should I propose this? I will be there.
      Jim: I can probably attend and present the TS.
    Feature Lists:
      *Ian: Update and check the items listed and flagged under 
      Other languages may have these functions so we could use this under 
prior art.
        Mike may know this from his test suite. *Jim to send Mike an email 
regarding what is needed regarding prior art/implementation for Part 1 
features in other languages
      Fred: GCC does not honor binary rounding mode when converting from 
DFP to binary floating point. It also has issues with rounding modes 
between decimal and binary floating point. These are partial 

    Part 5: Various emails, documents (cfp5-20150826.pdf)
      p3/5: Examples would help. *Jim: p5: Give example of what the macro 
would do and what would happen without it.
      Mike: 'BREAK' is not a good term since it is a keyword if 
        Case matters so it seems fine the way it is.
      Jim's September 9th email: Seems like a good approach
        Perhaps have a footnote to reference one of the bullets we'll be 
pulling out and/or refer to Annex J?
        *Jim: p12: See if we can add a footnote regarding the 
implementation defined/unspecified/undefined behavior referring to Annex J 
and/or an example from one of the bullets ommitted.
      Zero subnormal sign issue (2015/09/14 email): 
        Make this a 'should' statement.
        *Jim: p8: Make subnormal zero case be something that should keep 
the same sign
      p15: Line 31/32: Should FE_INVALID_LOGB be FE_INVALID_ILOGB since 
the line above should refer to ilogb and llogb functions?
        Suggestions: FE_INVALID_ILOGB, FE_INVALID_I_LOGB, 
        Change it to FE_INVALID_ILOGB.
        *Jim: p15: line 31: ilogb -> ilogb and llogb
        *Jim: p15: line 32: FE_INVALID_LOGB -> FE_INVALID_ILOGB
      p16: Line 10: *Jim: p16: line 10: Remove 'and round result to 
narrower type'.
      p9: Does ALLOW_CONTRACT_FMA apply to user code only or behind the 
scene code like complex mul and div?
        Jim: The system code is a black box. This pragma should not affect 
that. Since the user has no clue what is in the black box, it should not 
        Does C say anything about inline code being the same as something 
compiled in another CU?
        This issue is not particular to this part of the TS. It is a wider 
        *Jim: p9: FENV_ALLOW_CONTRACT_FMA: Send a note to convey this 
should not apply to any implementation/system operations, and only to user 
code that is directly what is listed in lines 11-14.


Rajan Bhakta
z/OS XL C/C++ Compiler Technical Architect
ISO C Standards Representative for Canada
C Compiler Development
Contact: rbhakta at us.ibm.com, Rajan Bhakta/Houston/IBM

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