[Cfp-interest] WG14 IEEE 754-C binding meeting minutes 2015/11/10

Rajan Bhakta rbhakta at us.ibm.com
Tue Nov 10 11:28:14 PST 2015

Attendees: Rajan, Jim, Fred, David, Mike, Marius, Ian

New agenda items:

Last meeting action items:
    Ian: Talk to Lawrence Crawl regarding proposing this IEEE-754: 2008 
binding to C++ as well. - Not done.
    Ian: Update and check the items listed and flagged under 
Feature_List_Part_1. - Not done.
    Jim: Send Mike an email regarding what is needed regarding prior 
art/implementation for Part 2 features in other languages. - Done.
    Jim: p18: Line 9: Put in a footnote showing the practical effect of 
the selection statement restriction. - Done.
    Jim: p18: Line 3: a catch action -> catch actions (look into making 
the change) - Done, but not in the review draft.
    Jim: p18: Line 34: a delayed-catch action -> delayed-catch actions 
(look into making the change) - Done.
    Jim: p18: Line 21: without the break -> without the jump - Done.
    Jim: p21: Line 41: Reference the section this footnote is in. - Done.
    Jim: Contact David Keaton to see if he has any objection to use this 
new latest part 5 document for the WG14 meeting since we have addressed 
all the comments (Joseph's). - Done.
    Rajan: Present part 5 to WG14. - Done.
    Rajan: Put up PDF's of the feature lists. - Done.
    David: See what Oracle has done for the feature lists. - Not done.
    Rajan, Fred: See if there is a time pressure for new C Standard 
proposals. - Done (none).
    Rajan, Fred: Report on the WG14 meeting with respect to the TS's. - 
    All: Consider new issues:
      p3: Line 24: Is this a constraint violation if it occurs? If so, it 
cannot be diagnosable by a translator following the translation phases 
exactly. - Not in constraint section so doesn't need to be diagnosed.
      p17: For library state: Unspecified vs indeterminate state. Should 
not have the standard library states be indeterminate, but can we 
guarantee that it is in a valid state?
        - Leave as unspecified. Can't see a reasonable way to implement 
        Should we have a note regarding suggestion to not have stateful 
operations inside an ASAP block? No.

New action items:
    Rajan: Get Mike in contact with Jens to get access to the C Standard 
source in the GIT repository.
    Jim: p13: line 22: Add in a statement describing the remaining bullets 
to show they are not a complete list.
    Jim: p17: line 27: List the actions in place of "below" or say "the 
remaining actions in this sub-clause".
    All: Consider mixed nested try and delayed try blocks and look for 
cases not covered by the specification.
    All: Focused Review of part 5 once the updated draft comes out.

Next Meeting:
    December 8th, 2015, 12:00 EST, 9:00 PDT
    Same teleconference number.

    IEEE 754 revision:
      No major issues so far.
      Some discussion on the specification of the math functions.
        Need to keep an eye on this in case it impacts us.

      Special session request from Marius was accepted.
        3 part panel: Half hour review of our TS's. One part from industry 
presenting the state of the art support for IEEE 754 (variable length 
time). Final part for the update on the 754 update revision (1h).
      Date: June 10th-13th, 2016
      Location: Bay area: Santa Clara.

    WG14 meeting:
      #pragma try/catch/delayed outside the { to allow macro replacement 
of #if 0 for implementations that do not support this.
      Also wanted a 1-1 correspondence between delayed/try and 
      Mike is interested in looking at convert the C standard from TROFF 
to something else.
      *Rajan: Get Mike in contact with Jens to get access to the C 
Standard source in the GIT repository.
      Mike: ODT is probably better to convert to since it is XML. Being 
used for 754 right now.
    Part 5: Various emails, documents (cfp5-20151104.pdf)
      Major WG14 requests: Move control flow pragma's outside the blocks, 
and have the try list match catch's.
      p13: The second bullet pretty much covers everything. The other 
thing is extensions.
        Should we say "the code that is written will give the same results 
in all implementations"?
          Jim: That is what this is supposed to say.
          Defining what reproducible means is probably sufficient. No need 
to give programming notes to show how to do that.
          Perhaps restrict this to floating point numerical 
          Jim: Branches and everything else are not floating point and 
restricting it otherwise is not very useful.
          Note that random number generators, I/O status, etc. all affect 
reproducibility as well.
        Should the header in line 13 be "Reproducible code sequences"?
          Maybe. Will affect what is listed above.
        The first bullet says it is for the bound floating point 
        The rest of the bullets lists things that might not be obvious or 
need emphasis. It is not intended to be a complete/exhaustive list.
        Perhaps have something after the first two bullets to show the 
rest are not complete.
          Ex. Saying "For example the following would be required:"
        *Jim: p13: line 22: Add in a statement describing the remaining 
bullets to show they are not a complete list.
      p17: Describe the two kinds of pragmas: {delayed}try/catch and 
        Handles the pragma outside the block WG14 request.
        What does "below" mean in "actions specified below"? How big is 
the "below"? Perhaps list the actions?
        *Jim: p17: line 27: List the actions in place of "below" or say 
"the remaining actions in this sub-clause".
      p18: Handles the WG14 1-1 correspondence between try/catch request.
      Another WG14 question was can you mix/match delayed and non-delayed 
        Current spec doesn't allow a try and a delayed try in the same 
scope without the catch and delayed catch blocks in between.
        For nested, try with a nested delayed try if the same exception 
occurs in the nested block, the delayed catch handles it due to the rule 
about same exception delayed try taking over.
          If the exception happens during the try block before the delayed 
try, the jump can still happen any time even in the delayed try block. But 
since you are changing the environment, it may be handled already by that 
        Similarly for try inside delayed try.
        *All: Consider mixed nested try and delayed try blocks and look 
for cases not covered by the specification.
      p19-20: Is it useful to have the nearly identical code sequences for 
try and delayed try?
        Yes, having something concrete helps.
      Another WG14 comment: No global floating point exception handler.
        Default exception handling is the 'global' handler.
      Are we ready for a focused review?
        No major unresolved issues left so yes.
        Evaluation format (7): Marius
        Optimization controls (8): David
        Reproducibility (9): Rajan
        Alternate exception handling (10): Fred
        Rest of the parts (intro), etc.: Ian
        Start after the next draft is out.
        Can be done via email. Finish up in January meeting.
    Implementation status:
      Mike's web page shows a number of 754 decimal implementations. He 
also has a decnum package that supports everything except the 
encode/decode functions.
        Intel and HP has an implementation for all that as well.
      Should we propose to have parts 1-2 be included into the C standard?
        The C1X charter lists the prior art requirement. The other parts 
probably don't have the prior art.
        Some parts of part 4 do have prior art so those parts could maybe 
be proposed.
        The optimization controls in part 5 have prior art too (with 
different syntax/methods).


Rajan Bhakta
z/OS XL C/C++ Compiler Technical Architect
ISO C Standards Representative for Canada
C Compiler Development
Contact: rbhakta at us.ibm.com, Rajan Bhakta/Houston/IBM

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