[Cfp-interest] WG14 IEEE 754-C binding meeting minutes 2015/06/11

Rajan Bhakta rbhakta at us.ibm.com
Thu Jun 11 11:12:32 PDT 2015

Attendees: Rajan, Blaine, Jim, Mike, Fred, Vincent, David, Ian

New agenda items:
  Email discussions to be brought in.

Last meeting action items:
    Jim: cfp5-diff-20150211-20150309.pdf: p9: Line 10: Note that we need 
to make sure functions with two or more arguments (since the order of 
evaluation of them is not fixed) is handled. - Listed as unspecified 
behaviour in IEEE. In our spec we say in Annex J the program has to deal 
with it. Jim to send an email regarding this. - Keep open
    Jim: cfp5-diff-20150211-20150309.pdf: p9: Line 37: Look into 
tightening the underflow and inexact part. - Still open. - IEEE says the 
program can't depend on inexact or underflow. David: May be due to before 
or after rounding. David: With underflow, flags and traps are not the same 
due to exact underflow. - Keep open

    Ian: Talk to Michael Wong and Lowell regarding proposing this 
IEEE-754: 2008 binding to C++ as well - Keep open
    Rajan, Jim: Talk to David Keaton regarding our intent for putting the 
essentials of parts 1 and 2 (not necessarily exact match) of this TS into 
the next C Standard. Need to look at reflector message 13739. - Keep open
    Jim: Part 5: Write up the delayed goto transformation to prolog/epilog 
code. - Done
    Jim: Part 5: Write up text to allow 'break's to still cause the epilog 
code to be executed for delayed goto's. - Done
    Jim: Part 5: Add in examples of ASAP and Delayed Goto pragma's in the 
same block and in different orders. - An example with two delayed Goto's 
and text re ASAP was added. - Keep open
    Jim: Part 5: Add in a new issue - Is it worth adding expression 
evaluation methods that widen the library functions as well as the 
operators (that is already there)? - Email sent to discuss this yesterday 
- Keep open
    David: Part 5: Provide a mechanism (a new #pragma?) to allow 
implementations to possibly not propagate  constant modes (rounding, 
exceptions). - Email sent out (May 20th, 2015) - Keep open

New action items:
    Blaine: Send out a DR process document so we can use that for Parts 
    Rajan: Create an outline of features in parts 1 and 2.
    Jim: Update the wiki to put in links to the test suites (from Mike) 
and possibly compiler manuals that address these parts.
    Fred: Find out the expiry date for an ISO document.
    Jim: Page 1: Fill in dates for parts 3 and 4.
    Jim: Page 3 and 4: Make the changes as proposed in the email on 
2015/06/10 by Jim
    All: Do the FENV_ALLOW_* pragmas apply to complex types?
    Jim: Add a conformance macro for alternate exception handling.
    Jim: Word the goto description better to disallow jumping to a label 
for an exception that did not happen.

Next Meeting:
    July 7th, 2015, 12:00 EST, 9:00 PDT
    Same teleconference number.

    Part 1: Published.

    Part 2: 2nd edition has been published.

    Part 3: Final drafts have been sent to INCITS and should be sent to 
ISO soon. Estimating July 1st publication.

    Part 4: Final drafts have been sent to INCITS and should be sent to 
ISO soon. Estimating July 1st publication.

    *ToDo: Blaine: Send out a DR process document so we can use that for 
Parts 1-4.

    Incorporating the TS into the C standard (see Joseph Myers email on 
      IBM doesn't have Part 2 complete (no constant rounding modes for 
      GCC is mostly library for part 1.
      We need an inventory of the features in part 1 and 2 and have 
implementers check off what they have.
      *ToDo: Rajan: Create an outline of features in parts 1 and 2.
      Is there a comprehensive test suite for this?
        Mike has some test suites available on his website.
        Fred has coverage for most of it.
        *ToDo: Jim: Update the wiki to put in links to the test suites 
(from Mike) and possibly compiler manuals that address these parts.

    Status of IEEE 754-2008:
      Upcoming for renewal.
      Use Mike's errata sheet and have that be a revision.
      Mike: The items don't justify the full process.
      Ian: Add in relative error for an add for example in a portable way. 
Perhaps a correctly rounded dot product, complete arithmetic, exact dot 
product, etc. 0 * Inf if Inf came from an overflow, should give 0 instead 
of NaN.
        David: Re: Inf * 0: Not used much (already implemented on sparc)
      Still looking for someone to chair this group.
      Expiring is unlikely. A number of people have volunteered to be a 
part of the committee.
      *ToDo: Fred: What is the expiry date for an ISO document?

    Part 5: Various emails + 
      *ToDo: Jim: Page 1: Fill in dates for parts 3 and 4.
      Re email on 2015/06/10 by Jim: action item on expression evaluation 
methods and math functions
        The eval method can change value now (if it sees a pragma).
        Consensus is to adopt the changes as proposed in the email.
        *ToDo: Jim: Page 3 and 4: Make the changes as proposed in the 
email on 2015/06/10 by Jim
      Page 7:
        Should there be a shorthand for the list of operations?
        Doing it would be a large editorial change and likely not easier 
to read by anyone.
      Fred's email: Do the pragma's apply to complex types?
        For complex types at IBM, they use FMA so if the pragma's apply 
this would change the behaviour.
        For complex, multiple and divide there is no requirement they are 
        *ToDo: All: Do the FENV_ALLOW_* pragmas apply to complex types?
        We should make this a suggestion rather than require it.
        Note that the real part vs the imaginary part could cause 
different exceptions. Ex. complex divide gives underflow and overflow 
        IEEE does not cover complex operations other than add and 
          Ex. Not required to produce most exceptions for complex 
      David's email: 2015/05/20:
        Keep the issue open.
      Should alternate exception handling be moved to a new part, part 6?
        The original reason for having them together was to have the same 
mechanism for both, but that has been settled.
        Another option is to have another conformance macro for exception 
        Leave this open?
        Having a conformance macro allows more implementation choice and 
increases the odds of acceptance.
        *ToDo: Jim: Add a conformance macro for alternate exception 
      #pragma vs try/catch:
        #pragma seemed the least disliked option
        Some people felt there was strong sentiment in WG14 against 
keyword/syntax changes, but not all
      Page 11: Optional_flag: Should this be FLAG(s)_UNSPECIFIED instead? 
OPTIONAL_FLAG seems to be confusing for a naive user.
        This means that IEEE specified flags set for an operation need not 
be set.
        Note that this could mean you could set a flag where not 
specified. This was not the intent.
        Need to keep the relationship between NO_FLAG and OPTIONAL_FLAG
(or perhaps without the S's)
        Consensus is to keep as is for now.
      Page 12: goto: The label/goto has to be linked to only the ones with 
exceptions that has happened (not to ones that have not happened).
        *ToDo: Jim: Word the goto description better to disallow jumping 
to a label for an exception that did not happen.
        The descriptions here relate to the goto's with the same 
associated block.
        We need general clarity on goto's in general. This applies to the 
static rounding modes as well.
        *ToDo: Blaine: Send an email to continue the goto discussion and 


Rajan Bhakta
z/OS XL C/C++ Compiler Technical Architect
ISO C Standards Representative for Canada
C Compiler Development
Contact: rbhakta at us.ibm.com, Rajan Bhakta/Houston/IBM
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