[Cfp-interest] draft of syntax discussion for C committee

David Hough CFP pcfp at oakapple.net
Tue Jun 10 14:48:54 PDT 2014

> What is the interaction between this idea and
a signal handler for SIGFPE?

Does anything in C require that enabling IEEE 754 traps cause a SIGFPE?
That's the way it often works, but I don't think it's mandatory.

It's not possible to write a portable SIGFPE handler that does anything
more than abort.    The low-level interface to the operating system
and hardware should be the job of the compiler and run time library,
not the application writer.     A SIGFPE handler might well be
part of that hidden implementation.     However it's complicated because
SIGFPE is often used for other kinds of exceptions, like integer division
by zero.

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