[Cfp-interest] type-generic math

Jim Thomas jaswthomas at sbcglobal.net
Tue Jan 17 10:13:37 PST 2012

Type-generic functions are covered in our Functions spec but didn't make it into our draft TS Part 1 submitted for the WG14 mailing. I proposed adding the following to the draft:
16  Type-generic math <tgmath.h>

The following suggested changes to C11 enhance the specification for type-generic math macros to accommodate functions in Part 1 of this Technical Specification.

Suggested changes to C11:

In 7.25 #2, change:

For each such function, except modf, there is a corresponding type-generic macro.


For each such function, except modf, the functions that round result to narrower type (7.12.14), and the total order functions (F.10.12), there is a corresponding type-generic macro.

In 7.25 #5, include in the list of type-generic macros: roundeven, nextup, nextdown, fminmag, fmaxmag, llogb, fromfp, ufromfp, fromfpx, ufromfpx, and canonicalize.

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